What is Self-Myofascial Release (SMFR)?
SMFR is a soft-tissue conditioning, self-care fitness format that uses the various tools such as tennis balls/massage balls) for self-myofascial release (self-massage). This may include breath work, CheckIn and ReCheck, elements of alignment, anatomy instruction and mental awareness (such as conscious relaxation).
Self-massage relieves aches and pains, enhances breathing, reduces stress and improves your posture and performance. To understand how it works, you must first understand that the body is made up of multiple layers of connective tissue (fascia) that weaves and winds its way around every part of your body’s parts, connecting (and separating) you from head to toe.
Massage Balls improve the slide and glide between the fascial layers which translates into ease of movement, release of tension, and reduction of discomfort. The grippy texture of our massage therapy balls work by gently locking into all the tissue layers, from the surface of the skin, to the spongy superficial fascia underneath, and further within towards deep fascia. As the balls roll along the skin, they create massive shear that heats, calms, and lengthens not only the targeted tissues but the associated tissues as well.
As a Yoga TuneUp® certified teacher, my classes are based and inspired by this style of self inquiry and out-of-the-box thinking and practice.
What is Yoga Tune Up® ?
Yoga Tune Up® is a programme developed around the three P’s – Pain, Posture and Performance. It helps eradicate pain, improve posture and enhance performance through a unique blend of Corrective Exercise, Self Massage and Yoga. This program effectively helps you to sense, feel, identify and target your “body blind spots”; areas that are most overused, underused, or misused, YTU heals damaged muscle, increases strength and establishes healthy movement patterns to help you live better in your body.
To learn more about Yoga Tune Up® , please click here.
Myofascial Release classes
I conduct SMFR classes at these studios and online. The times and days are listed below as well as how to contact the studios or book an online class with me.
- 2.20pm Myofascial Release (True Yoga Pacific Plaza) – call 6733 9555
- 8.30pm Yoga Tune Up® Myofascial Release at (ONLINE) – book here
- 1.30pm Myofascial Release (True Fitness Great World) – call 6235 9622
- 11.30am Yoga Tune Up® Myofascial Release at (ONLINE) – book here
- 5.30pm Myofascial Release (True Fitness Novena) – call 6255 9555
- 7.30pm Roll & Restore (COMO Shambhala) – call 63043552
- 12.30pm Myofascial Release (COMO Shambhala) – call 63043552
I highly recommend the Self-Myofascial Release (also known as Myofascial Release) classes for self maintenance and tune up. Perfect to share along and practice with your friends and family, of course.
Click here to book an ONLINE Self- Myofascial Release class!